My First Open Source Project

I’ve been spending time on the first part of the shared resource service project: “Receive event invitations by email and send an acceptance email”. I hadn’t considered the difficulty I would face receiving emails. This is the most important part of the application, and if I can’t make it work, there’s really no point to continue. I don’t want to write my own POP3 library, I’ve done that before an...

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Changing From an iPod to a Creative Zen

The time finally came for me to replace my iPod with something new. I was using aniPod click wheelthat I got as a warranty replacement back in 2004.It was good to me, but I felt that it was time to look at other options.If iTunes ran a little better on my PC, I probably would have just bought another iPod without a second thought. HardwareIt took me quite a while to choose a new device. I did look...

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SQL Management Studio Express with VS 2010 Express

I had some fun trying to install SQL Management Studio on my home computer over the weekend. I was successful in the end, but it was a rough journey. These seem to be the things that can lead you into my scenario: Windows 7 Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (which installs SQL Server 2008 Express) These are the things I ran into trying to install SQL Management Studio (both from an SQL 2008 stan...

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Shared Resource Service Requirements

I want to start my project by dividing up the various things the system needs to do, then put them into the order I plan to approach them. I want to start with requirements that are the most risky and most important to success first, and work my way down the list until I finish with items that are neither risky nor important. This approach gives me several advantages. It’s not an issue in this cas...

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Shared Resource Schedule Service

I think I’ve got a new project to work on at home. We’ve got this problem at work coordinating a few shared resources in Outlook (like a couple of meeting rooms and a projector), but we couldn’t find any good solutions out there short of installing Exchange Server. I’ve been wanting to play around with Entity Framework a bit, so this should be a good candidate. Perhaps I can slap a UI on it using ...

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My First Post

I’ve finally gone and done it. To be honest, creating my own blog wasn’t foremost in my thoughts until fairly recently. Scott Hanselman had a couple of interesting videos on his blog that finally convinced me to do it. I hope you like it.

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